The blade of 400w electrical chain saw is its core component, in addition to the matching lithium battery, the blade is more important, of course, not to say that other components are not important. Just to say that it is necessary to prioritize, after all, a complete and undamaged 400w electrical chain saw can be used normally, and the lack of any part is defective, even if it is a small screw. To get back to business, there are many users in the reaction 400w electrical chain saw shelved for a period of time, and so out to use, found that the blade is not sharp. Once the blade of 400w electrical chain saw becomes not sharp, the efficiency of the operation can be imagined, so in this case, it must be dealt with in time, otherwise it will only become less and less sharp. So how to deal with it, generally according to the degree of wear of the blade to deal with the situation, take a look at it.

1. The blade becomes dull

If the blade is just a little dull, it may be that the lubrication work is not done during use, or during long-term use, there are sticky substances on the blade, to solve the problem, only need to erase the sticky substances on the blade and add lubricating oil in time.

2, slight blade wear

At this time, it is usually necessary to remove the blade for cleaning, dry the blade after grinding, grind the blade after sharpening, and then reinstall the blade on the 400w electrical chain saw, add lubricating oil.

3, blade wear serious

If the blade wear is more serious, it may not be able to be repaired by sharpening the knife, then it is usually necessary to replace the blade, remove the blade, and buy a new blade of the same specification.

400w electrical chain saw How to sharpen the blade? The premise of this problem is that the blade is worn, so we only need to understand the degree of wear to solve the problem.

400w electrical chain saw